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Books & Reports

Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C.R., Mitchell, J. and Howorth, R. (Apr. 2003) The Demonstration Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI). SOPAC (South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission)

Journal Articles

Anon. (2002) Becoming visible. Canada & the World Backgrounder, 67(6): 20.

Bradley, R. (2000) 1000 years of climate change. Science [Enhanced Perspectives], 288(5470): 1353-1355.

Bronstein, M. G. (2010) Readily deployable approaches to geoengineering: Cool materials and aggressive reforestation. Sustainable Development Law & Policy, 10(2): 44-48; 63-64.

De Maziere, M. (2003) Atmospheric observations in the perspective of changing climate and environment, and the synergy between ground-based, airborne and space-based measurements. Lecture Notes in Physics, 607: 14-49.

de Sherbinin, A. (2000) Climate change impacts on agriculture. Environment, 42(2): 3.

Epstein, P.R. (1999) Climate and health. Science [Enhanced Perspectives], 285(5426): 347-348.

Fahey, D.W. and Ravishankara, A.R. (1999) Summer in the stratosphere. Science [Enhanced Perspectives], 285(5425): 208-210.

Fiddaman, T.S. (2002) Exploring policy options with a behavioral climate-economy model. System Dynamics Review, 18(2): 243.

Field, C.B. (2001) Sharing the garden. Science [Enhanced Perspectives], 294(5551): 2490-2491.

Franklin, S.E. and Wulder, M.A. (2002) Remote sensing methods in medium spatial resolution satellite data land cover classification of large areas. Progress in Physical Geography, 26(2): 173-205.

Geist, H. (2003) Biodiversity in the balance. Land use, national development, land use and global welfare: Raffaello Cervigni; Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, 2001. Land Use Policy, 20(2): 196-197.

Hall, O. (2010) Remote sensing in social science research. The Open Remote Sensing Journal, 3: 1-16.

Jakeman, A.J. and Letcher, R.A. (2003) Integrated Assessment and Modelling: Features, Principles and Examples for Catchment Management. Environmental Modelling & Software, 18(6): 491-501.

Jin, X.M., Wan, L., Zhang, Y.K. and Schaepman, M. (2008) Impact of economic growth on vegetation health in China based on GIMMS NDVI. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(13), 3715-3726.

Kickert, R.N., Tonella, G., Simonov, A. and Krupa, S.V. (1999) Predictive modeling of effects under global change. Environmental Pollution, 100(1-3): 87-132.

Kuhlbusch, T.A.J. (1998) Black carbon and the carbon cycle. Science [Enhanced Perspectives], 280(5371): 1903-1904.

Leimgruber, P., Christen, C.A. and Laborderie, A. (2005) The impact of Landsat satellite monitoring on conservation biology. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 106(1-3): 81-101.

Letcher, R. A., Croke, B. F. W. and Jakeman, A. J. (2007).  Integrated assessment modelling for water resource allocation and management: A generalised conceptual framework. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(5), 733-742.

Matutinovic, I. (2001) The aspects and the role of diversity in socioeconomic systems: an evolutionary perspective. Ecological Economics, 39(2): 239-256.

Myllyntaus, T., Hares, M. and Kunnas, J. (2002) Sustainability in danger? Slash-and-burn cultivation in nineteenth-century Finland and twentieth-century Southeast Asia. Environmental History, 7(2): 267.

Ochoa-Gaona, S., Kampichler, C., de Jong, B. H. J., Hernández, S., Geissen, V. and Huerta, E. (2010) A multi-criterion index for the evaluation of local tropical forest conditions in Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(5): 618-627.

Paul, N.D. and Gwynn-Jones, D. (2003) Ecological roles of solar UV radiation: Towards an integrated approach. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 18(1): 48-55.

Reich, R.M., Aguirre-Bravo, C. and Bravo, V.A. (2008) New approach for modeling climatic data with applications in modeling tree species distributions in the states of Jalisco and Colima, Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments, 72(7), 1343-1357.

Reich, R., Bonham, C., Aguirre-Bravo, C. and Chazaro-Basañeza, M. (2010) Patterns of tree species richness in Jalisco, Mexico: relation to topography, climate and forest structure. Plant Ecology, 210(1): 67-84.

Rockett, I.R.H. (1999) Population and health: An introduction to epidemiology. Population Bulletin, 54(4): 3.

Rosenberg, N.J. and Edmonds, J.A. (2005) Climate change impacts for the conterminous USA: An integrated assessment: From mink to the 'Lower 48' an introductory editorial. Climatic Change, 69(1): 1-6.

Rosenzweig, M.L. (1999) Heeding the warning in biodiversity's basic law. Science [Enhanced Perspectives], 284(5412): 276-277.

Sarewitz, D. (2004) How science makes environmental controversies worse. Environmental Science & Policy, 7(5): 385-403.

Sumner, M.D., Michael, K.J., Bradshaw, C.J.A. and Hindell, M.A. (2003) Remote sensing of Southern Ocean sea surface temperature: Implications for marine biophysical models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 84(2): 161-173.

Sutton, P., Anderson, S., Elvidge, C., Tuttle, B. and Ghosh, T. (2009) Paving the planet: impervious surface as proxy measure of the human ecological footprint. Progress in Physical Geography, 33(4): 510-527.

Tolbert, M.A. and Toon, O.B. (2001) Solving the PSC mystery. Science [Enhanced Perspectives], 292(5514): 61-63.

Tong, C., Hall, C.A.S. and Wang, H. (2003) Land use change in rice, wheat and maize production in China (1961-1998). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 95(2-3): 523-536.

Tonn, B. (2003) An equity first, risk-based framework for managing global climate change. Global Environmental Change, 13(4): 295-306.

Utzinger, J., Bergquist, R., Olveda, R. and Zhou, X.-N. (2010) Important Helminth Infections in Southeast Asia: Diversity, Potential for Control and Prospects for Elimination. Advances in Parasitology 72: 1-30.

Varnell, L.M., Evans, D.A., Bilkovic, D.M. and Olney, J.E. (2008) Estuarine surface water allocation: A case study on the interactive role of science in support of management. Environmental Science & Policy, 11(7), 602-612.

Yang, X. (2003) Remote Sensing and GIS for Urban Analysis: An Introduction. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(9): 937-9.

Yang, X. and Liu, Z. (2005) Use of satellite-derived landscape imperviousness index to characterize urban spatial growth. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 29(5): 524-540.

Yli-Viikari, A., Hietala-Koivu, R., Huusela-Veistola, E., Hyvonen, T., Perala, P. and Turtola, E. (2007).  Evaluating Agri-environmental Indicators (AEIs)--use and limitations of international indicators at national level. Ecological Indicators, 7(1), 150-163.

Zhao, N., Currit, N. and Samson, E. (2011) Net primary production and gross domestic product in China derived from satellite imagery. Ecological Economics, 70(5): 921-928.


Law Review Articles

Anon. (2003) Bridging the gap between international law and foreign policymaking. Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, 31(3): 437-459.

Athey, B.C. (2002) Symposium 2002: Rio + 10: Preparing for the Earth's environmental future today. William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, 27(1): 1-11.

Atwood, E.R. (2002) Preserving the Taj Mahal: India 's struggle to salvage cultural icons in the wake of industrialization. Penn State Environmental Law Review, 11, 101.

Baker, B.K. (2004) Arthritic flexibilities for accesssing medicines: Analysis of WTO action regarding paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the Trips Agreement and Public Health. Indiana International and Comparative Law Review, 14(3): 613-715.

Eglene, O. (2002) ISSUE 2: Transboundary air pollution: Regulatory schemes & interstate cooperation. Albany Law Environmental Outlook, 7(2): 129-153.

Finley, M. (2003-2004) The bitter with the sweet: The impact of the World Trade Organization's settlement of the banana trade dispute on the human rights of Ecuadorian banana workers [Note]. New York Law School Law Review, 48(4): 815-846.

Gardner , A.F. (2000) Environmental monitoring's undiscovered country: Developing a satellite remote monitoring system to implement the Kyoto protocol's global emissions-trading program. New York University Environmental Law Journal, 9(1): 152-216.

Knox, J.H. (2001) A new approach to compliance with international environmental law: The submissions procedure of the NAFTA environmental commission. Ecology Law Quarterly, 28: 1.

Light, A.R. (2001) Sixth annual Tribal Sovereignty Symposium: Sovereignty myths and intergovernmental realities: The etiquette of tribal federalism. St. Thomas Law Review, 14(2): 373-393.

Miller, G.T. (2002) Comment, are current patent laws discouraging critical research and development on chemical alternatives to methyl bromide? San Joaquin Agricultural Law Review, 12: 87.

Mondou, D.J. (1998) The American Indian Agricultural Resources Management Act: Does the Winters water bucket have a hole in it? Drake Journal of Agricultural Law, 3(2): 381-422.

Kibert, N. C. (2004) Extended producer responsibility: A tool for achieving sustainable development. Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law, 19: 503.

Parks, D.M. (1996-1997) GATT and the environment: Reconciling liberal trade policies with environmental preservation. UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, 15(2): 151-184.

Sato, S. (2003) Sustainable development and the selfish gene: A rational paradigm for achieving intergenerational equity. New York University Environmental Law Journal, 11(2): 503-530.

Sheveland, G.J. (2002) Evaluation of the effectiveness of cultural resource laws in criminal prosecution for theft of archeological and cultural resources from federal lands. New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement, 28: 27.

Wold, C. (1996) Multilateral environmental agreements and the GATT: Conflict And Resolution? Environmental Law, 26(2): 841-921.


Last Update: 26 May 2011


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