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SEDAC Data Access and Tools

Data provided by NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) enable users to identify critical relationships between humans and the environment. Explore the datasets and tools that you can use to transform Earth observations to actionable science.

SEDAC Data Tools

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ACE2 ACE2 is a map-based tool to download satellite altimeter corrected digital elevation data for environmental, socioeconomic, climate, and other related research. Downloading
Hazards Mapper The Hazards Mapper enables users to rapidly get an idea of the population, land area, dams, and nuclear power plants that could be impacted by a wide range of natural events, including floods, earthquakes, fires, and volcanic eruptions. Analysis, Search and Discovery, Visualization
NYS FIDSS Mapper The New York State Flood Information Decision Support System Mapper is an easy-to-use mapping tool visualizes building footprint data for nearly all New York State’s infrastructure, except New York City. Visualization
POPGRID Viewer POPGRID Viewer explores the intercomparison of population counts and settlement mapping from leading global data sources. Comparison
SEDAC Map Viewer With the SEDAC Map Viewer, users can view up to 4 SEDAC map layers, either as four separately synched maps or as overlays in a single map. Analysis, Search and Discovery, Visualization
SEDAC Population Estimator The Population Estimator developed by NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) lets users visualize changes in total population over multiple decades together with basic demographic characteristics for the year 2010. Visualization

Data at SEDAC

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