CHINA MAPS BIBLIOGRAPHY DATABASE *Dataset Records* The China Maps Bibliographic Database is an information collection of public China maps. This dataset contains 415 map records published from 1765 to 1994. *Dataset Variables* There are 72 variables in the dataset. They are: * ID * Title (WG) * Title (code) * Title (pinyin) * Title (Chinese) * Title (Englsh) * Title (Other) * Author * Series * Imprint * Map/series * Imprint * Map/series * ISBN * Edition * Lineage * Notes * Bibliographic * Scale * Scale(num) * Projection * Grid * Grid units * Coordinates * Situation date * Language * Coverage (scope) * Coverage * Provincial level * Township level * County level * Other boundaries * Cities * Towns * Rural settlements * Other settlements * Railroad levels * Railroads * Roads * Road levels * Canals * Navigability * Interval * Other transportation * Contour * Elevation points * Metric * Other relief * Rivers and Lakes * Watershed * Marshes/swamps * Ponds * Other hydrography * Vegetation * Crops * Woods * Grasslands * Deserts * Rice paddies * Orchards * Industrial Use * Other vegetation * Residential Use * Urban * Commercial Use * Other urban * Salt fields * Other land cover * Thematic contents * Other contents All the records are in both English and Chinese Characters (GB code for Chinese Characters). Data Sources The China Maps Bibliography Database was provided by Ms. Alana Boland (Research Assistant of CITAS - University of Washington). The information collected at this dataset comes from the maps archived at the library of University of Washington and the Universities Service Center at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.