Source Code for the India Annual Winter Cropped Area, 2001-2016 August 2017 This document contains the source code used to construct the India Annual Winter Cropped Area, 2001-2016 data set. Recommended citation for the Source Code: Jain, M., P. Mondal, G. L. Galford, G. Fiske, and R. S. DeFries. 2017. Source Code for the India Annual Winter Cropped Area, 2001-2016. Palisades NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR. Copyright & License: Copyright © 2017. Jain, M., P. Mondal, G. L. Galford, G. Fiske, and R. S. DeFries. This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( Source Code: library(raster) library(rgdal) library(snow) library(parallel) library(shapefiles) library(maptools) library(dplyr) setwd('dir') # change this to the desired working directory sa=brick('file.tif') # change file.tif to be the geotiff of the EVI time series ########### SPLINE SMOOTH TIME SERIES OF EVI FOR EACH PIXEL ############## beginCluster(n=7) # this should be changed to use the desired number of cores for parallel processing spfuncl<-function(y){ num=nlayers(y) spl60fun<-function(x){ x[x==255]<-NA # in our data, 255 was set to represent NA values if (sum(>20) {spline<-rep(NA,num) return(spline)} else if ([1])) {spline<-rep(NA,num) return(spline)} else if ([num])) {spline<-rep(NA,num) return(spline)} else {x1<-c(1:length(x)) y1<-x intx<-approx(x1,y1,xout=1:length(x1))$y spline<-smooth.spline(intx,df=60)$y return(spline)}} y2<-calc(y,spl60fun) return(y2)} sasp<-clusterR(sa,spfuncl) endCluster() ############# CREATE A MASK TO MASK OUT ANY PIXELS WHERE > 20 PIXELS ARE NA IN THE TIME SERIES (NA MASK) ###### beginCluster(n=7) # this should be changed to use the desired number of cores for parallel processing mask255cl<-function(y){ mask255<-function(x){ namask<-ifelse(sum(>20,NA,1) return(namask)} y2<-calc(y,mask255) return(y2)} sasp255m<-clusterR(sasp,mask255cl) writeRaster(sasp255m,paste("sasp255m",name,'.tif',sep=''),format="GTiff",overwrite=TRUE) endCluster() ############### SUBSET THE SPLINED TIME SERIES INTO THE SEASON OF INTEREST FOR EACH YEAR ############# saspwin=list() for(i in c(0:15)){saspwin[[i+1]]=subset(sasp,(i*23+11):(i*23+22))} # these values should change to the values that correspond with the start and end of the growing season of interest save(saspwin,file=paste('saspwin',name,'.Rdat',sep='')) rm(sa) # these 3 steps are taken to remove old files and clear memory rm(sasp) gc() ################ CREATE A BINARY PEAK MASK WHERE 1 = PIXELS THAT HAVE A PEAK AND 0 = PIXELS THAT DO NOT HAVE A PEAK (PEAK MASK) ######## beginCluster(n=7) # this should be changed to use the desired number of cores for parallel processing peakmaskcl<-function(y){ peakmask<-function(x){ dx<-diff(x) value<-rep(0,length(dx)) adx<-ifelse(dx>0,1,0) for(i in 1:length(adx)){value[i]<-ifelse(adx[i] == 1 & adx[i+1]==0,i+1,0)} value2=rep(0,length(dx)) adx2<-ifelse(dx<0,1,0) for(i in 1:length(adx2)){value2[i]<-ifelse(adx2[i] == 1 & adx2[i+1]==0,i+1,0)} sum1=sum(value,na.rm=TRUE) sum2=sum(value2,na.rm=TRUE) mask<-ifelse(sum1>0&sum2>0&sum20,1,0) for(i in 1:length(adx)){ if (adx[i] == 1 & adx[i+1]==0) {value<-x[i+1] return(value)}}} y2<-calc(y,peakval) return(y2)} maxsaspwin=list() for(i in c(1:length(saspwinmm))){ maxsaspwin[[i]]<-clusterR(saspwinmm[[i]],peakvalcl) writeRaster(maxsaspwin[[i]],paste('maxsaspwin',name,i,sep='_'),format="GTiff",overwrite=TRUE)} endCluster() ################# CALCULATE THE MINIMUM PEAK VALUES FOR ALL PIXELS THAT REMAIN UNMASKED ################## beginCluster(n=7) # this should be changed to use the desired number of cores for parallel processing minvalcl<-function(y){ minval<-function(x){ x<-as.vector(x) if([1])) {value<-NA return(value)} else if(x[1]==0) {value<-NA return(value)} else {value<-min(x) return(value)}} y2<-calc(y,minval) return(y2)} minsaspwin=list() for(i in c(1:length(saspwinmm))){ minsaspwin[[i]]<-clusterR(saspwinmm[[i]],minvalcl) writeRaster(minsaspwin[[i]],paste('minsaspwin',name,i,sep='_'),format="GTiff",overwrite=TRUE)} endCluster() ################### PULL IN SHAPEFILE OF REGIONS OVER WHICH TO DO SCALING #################### shapefile=readOGR('.','shapefile') # change this to the name of the shapefile ################## FUNCTION THAT WILL SCALE ALL MAX EVI VALUES BETWEEN 0 AND 100 WITHIN EACH REGION ############### clip<-function(raster,shape) { a1_crop<-crop(raster,shape) step1<-rasterize(shape,a1_crop) a1_crop*step1} scalefun=function(y,z,a){ for(i in 1:length(shapefile)){ value<-(shapefile[shapefile$OBJECTID==i,]) # change this to match the list of features within the shapefile valueclipmax<-clip(y,value) vcmax90<-as.numeric(quantile(valueclipmax,c(.90))) # currently this scales the 90th percentile max EVI value to be 100 - this can be changed to 0.95, 0.98, etc valueclipmin<-clip(z,value) vcmin10<-as.numeric(quantile(valueclipmin,c(.10))) # currently this scales the 10th percentile min EVI value to be 0 - this can be changed to 0.05, 0.02, etc m<-100/(vcmax90-vcmin10) b<- -(vcmin10*m) scalefun=function(x){ result=m*x+b return(result)} vscaled<-calc(valueclipmax,fun=scalefun) vscaled[vscaled<0]<-0 vscaled[vscaled>100]<-100 vscaled[]<-0 na255value<-clip(sasp255m,value) vscaled2<-mask(vscaled,na255value) vscaled2[]<-(-1) writeRaster(vscaled2,paste(as.character(a),as.character(i),'.tif',sep=""),format="GTiff",overwrite=TRUE)}} for(i in c(1:length(maxsaspwin))){ scalefun(maxsaspwin[[i]],minsaspwin[[i]],'scale')}