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Korea Summary

Population 2000 (NSO-Based Estimate '000) 46,419   Population 2000 (UN '000) 46,740
Area (km2) 98,977   Avg. Input Resolution (km) 21
Number of Administrative Units 227   Population Per Administrative Unit ('000) 204
Number of Urban Extents 83   Number of Settlement Points 129

Korea Details

Continent Asia
Country Name Korea
Administrative Classifications
Level Used 3.0
Leve1 Type Province
Level2 Type District
Level3 Type Ward/Township
Number of Units 227
Population Per Unit ('000) (2000, estimate) 204
National Population Estimates
Last Year of Reference 2002
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 1990 ('000) 43,917
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 1995 ('000) 44,395
NSO-Based Estimated Population, 2000 ('000) 46,419
UN Population, 1990 ('000) 42,869
UN Population, 1995 ('000) 44,952
UN Population, 2000 ('000) 46,740
National Spatial Estimates
Area (km2) 98,977
Average Input Resolution (km) 21
Settlement Points
Number of Settlement Points 129
Largest Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 9,895,972
Smallest Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 21,374
Mean Settlement, by Population (2000, estimate) 291,637
Urban Areal Extents
Number of Urban Extents 83
Largest Urban Extent (km2) 5,739
Smallest Urban Extent (km2) 0
Mean Urban Extent (km2) 265
Total for All Urban Extent (km2) 21,965
Largest Urban Extent (population, 2000) 20,960,406
Smallest Urban Extent (population, 2000) 1,267
Mean Urban Extent (population, 2000) 487,113
Total for All Urban Extent (population, 2000) 40,430,362
% Total Land Area in Urban Extents (km2) 22%
% Total Population in Urban Extents (2000, estimate) 86%
% Total Population that is Urban (2001, UN World Urbanization Prospects) 83%
Urban Areal Extents, by Source
Nighttime Lights Data 148
Regression-estimated Extents 3
Digital Chart of the World 0
Other 0
Administrative Population Source Data:
Population data were downloaded from the National Atlas of Korea 1992?2002, .
Administrative Boundary Source Data:
National Atlas of Korea, .
Settlement Point Population Source Data:
City Population,; World Gazetteer,
Settlement Point Coordinate Source Data:
City Population, NIMA, UNSD, World Gazetteer
Urban Criteria for Settlements (UN):
Cities as administratively defined.
Administrative Population Edits and Notes:
Data are available for most of the South Korea administrative units between 1992?2002. This interval was primarily used to calculate the growth rate and extrapolate to target years using 1995 and 2000 (census years) as base. For the units of Kejang-gun, Sasang-gu, Suyoun-gu,Yonjae-gu, Nam-gu, Chang-won, MasanKyeyang-gu, Pupyong-gu, Yonsu-gu, Kangbuk-gu, Kumchon-gu, and Kwangjin-gu, data is only available between 1995?2002. The growth rate of these units was calculated for the 1995?2002 interval, with 1995 and 2000 as base years. For the units of Chung-gu, Nam-gu, Puk-gu, Tong-gu, and Ulju-gun data is only available between 1997?2002. The growth rate of these units was calculated for the 1997?2002 interval with 2000 as base year.
Administrative Spatial Edits and Notes: