Global Agricultural Inputs, v1
Follow Us: Twitter Follow Us on Facebook YouTube Flickr | Share: Twitter FacebookNitrogen Fertilizer Application, v1 (1994 – 2001 )
- Purpose:
- To provide nitrogen fertilizer application data that can be used in socioeconomic and ecological modeling and to explore anthropogenic activities on ecosystems.
- Abstract:
- The Nitrogen Fertilizer Application data set of the Global Fertilizer and Manure, Version 1 Data Collection represents the amount of nitrogen fertilizer nutrients applied to croplands. The national-level nitrogen fertilizer application rates for crops are from the International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) "Fertilizer Use by Crop 2002" statistics database that is available by request from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The number of crop-specific fertilizer application rates reported for each country ranged from 2 crops (Guinea) to over 50 crops (United States), and the years for which the data are reported range from 1994 to 2001. Spatially explicit fertilizer inputs of Nitrogen (N) were computed by fusing national-level statistics on fertilizer use with global maps of harvested area for 175 crops. The data were compiled by Potter et al. (2010) and are distributed by the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).
- Recommended Citation(s)*:
Potter, P., N. Ramankutty, E.M. Bennett, and S.D. Donner. 2012. Global Fertilizer and Manure, Version 1: Nitrogen Fertilizer Application. Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed DAY MONTH YEAR.
ENW (EndNote & RefWorks)†
RIS (Others)Potter, P., N. Ramankutty, E.M. Bennett, and S.D. Donner. 2010. Characterizing the Spatial Patterns of Global Fertilizer Application and Manure Production. Earth Interactions 14 (2): 1-22.
ENW (EndNote & RefWorks)†
RIS (Others)* When authors make use of data they should cite both the data set and the scientific publication, if available. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. Please visit the data citations page for details. Users who would like to choose to format the citation(s) for this dataset using a myriad of alternate styles can copy the DOI number and paste it into Crosscite's website.
† For EndNote users, please check the Research Note field for issues with importing authors that are organizations when using the ENW file format.
- Available Formats:
- raster, map, map service