Georeferenced Population Data sets of Mexico
Follow Us: Twitter Follow Us on Facebook YouTube Flickr | Share: Twitter FacebookRaster Based GIS Coverage of Mexican Population, v1 (1990)
A gridded coverage (1 x 1 km) of Mexican population. There are many options and methods for performing a data conversion between vector and raster based coverages. In this instance, population figures were derived based on available point data (the population of known localities). Cell values were derived using a weighted moving average function (Burrough, 1986, 153) and then calculate based on known population by state. The result from this conversion is a coverage whose data is based on square grid cells rather than a series of vectors.
Source: Instituto Nacional De Estadistica Geografia E Informatica (INEGI). Raster conversion performed by CIESIN Staff.
Format: ArcInfo export format
Size: 89.2 MB
Accuracy and Error: There is error inherent in any vector to grid/raster data conversion