globe1 Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community

Taking Stock and
Moving Forward

2008 Open Meeting, 6-19 October 2008
Delhi, India

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This website provides access to material presented at the 2003 Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community.

Search Abstracts
(more than 120 papers/posters available for download)

Report on Plenaries and Selected Panels Presentations

Final Program (Adobe PDF, 1.3MB)

Conference Background

Following a decade of sustained interdisciplinary research on the human dimensions of global change, this is an appropriate time to assess the fruits of our efforts. Are we achieving cumulative, progressive research findings? Are we enhancing the set of methodologies at our disposal? Are we generating useful knowledge for decision-makers? Are we developing effective mechanisms for bridging disciplinary divides?

Within this general framework of inquiry the meeting examined three themes in particular. Transitions and Change: how does the view that the world is made up of complex coupled systems influence our research? Governance, Markets, and Ethics: what do we know about the institutions that mediate between human behavior and global change? Poverty and security: how does global change affect those already vulnerable and how does it increase the vulnerability of others. Plenary speakers addressed these questions in the context of major areas of human dimensions research.

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